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OG mandha

A group of dapper individuals who have lots of hoes and clap cheeks. They have a few Auttys who don’t and are gaylords

”Wow I wish I was in og mandha they are radicle

by CharliesMum July 12, 2022

Ris og runk

15. Mars

I dag er ris og runk dagen.

by aigsf May 6, 2023

OG Road Dogs

The Road Dogs was a "group" before new management took over. The Road Dogs had an extremely large ego and will to play God, especially seeing as it was only one guy running it. The Road Dogs are lying, jackasses and dicks to other people just if they don't listen to what they want.

"I'll leak your personal info"

"Man you part of the OG Road Dogs or something?"

by TrustTheBulls May 10, 2020

Plastic OG

When your marijuana cart gets empty to the point where it tastes like plastic.

Damn this shit some "Plastic OG" my nigga

by bitchnigga420 December 1, 2019

Jet fuel og

some really stank ass weed

That jet fuel og smells like shit

by samXsosa November 10, 2020

marijuana og

Marijuana OG means... Marijuana "outdoor grown".

Marijuana named any name "Marijuana OG" , "OG" means outdoor grown.

by Hazy82 April 8, 2018

The OG Prospector

The OG Prospector is said to be an urban legend, familiar amongst the natives of Northern & Central New Jersey. Sightings have been reported not only in these two regions of the state, but also in the mountains & some even in plain sight on the streets of the greater Salt Lake City, Utah area. The OG Prospector is said to be an old folk-tale (which derives from a currently unknown region of the planet) about a prospector of roaches. He would travel far & wide throughout many lands in search of prospective roaches, though some say he found the one perfect roach that he had always dreamed of, the roach to rule them all.. & then retired from his position, but keeping his title: The OG Prospector; others say... that to this day... he roams the quiet avenues & dimly lit back-roads of Northern & Central New Jersey in search of his heart's one true desire: roaches. Some say he was the greatest roach prospector in the history of roach prospecting, but others say he was just a bearded menace & a fiend; some say he never even existed. Believe what you will, this is the legend of The OG Prospector.

"Rob: Dude, I left a roach right on this table last night before I went to sleep, & now it isn't there.

Tom: Bro...have you ever heard the legend of The OG Prospector?"

"Jim: Bruh, why are you collecting roaches...like...really...?

Bryce: Dog, you really know nothing, do you? They call me The Young Prospector, after The OG Prospector, himself...boi."

"Bruh...this nigga out here on the porch with me & Terry, calling himself, 'OG Prospector.'..talkin' bout, 'can he keep the roach?' tf?"

by Young Burlington Coat April 9, 2016