Stomping Ground is an student's second home. But it also represents so much more; it is a movement that encompasses a person's individuality and expression.
Amar looks fantastic in his luxurious, sublime, innovative Stomping Ground sweatshirt.
The dark areas on roadways found in dips or bumps in the road consisting mainly of drippings from oil or other fluids found in automobiles. These deposits are due to the jarring of the vehicle up and down shaking loose any grease, oil, or any nasty fluids discharged from a motor.
Take a left turn after you pass the big pan of Ground Brownies.
I hit a ground rule double yesterday. First I did the blonde, then later that night the redhead droped by for a booty call!
NK CYBORG: I'm too strong die
Kumatora: PK GROUND!
YOU GOT 392932 EXP.
Thomas get off the game now and go to sleep GROUND ZERO!!!!!!
U chillin with the homies and your step dad burst into the room ground zero
Joe mama joke with the ground beef joke
What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef. What do you call a joke no legs? Ground Joe beef
When two people put their assholes together and one person shits into the other persons ass. Also known as the Subway Train.
Those two gay dudes sure like Ground Hoggin.