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Munch Spread

Noun: A complete list of all people that you have performed the act of munching upon.

Yo bro, show me your munch spread, there's no way its bigger than mine.

by ApeRepublic April 27, 2024

Embrace The Munch

The act of stepping out of one's comfort zone in order to experience new flavors.

"I don't know what I feel like eating, so I'm going to Embrace The Munch"

"Let's take the magic stairs to the food court and Embrace The Munch today"

by Embrace The Munch August 6, 2017

eat crap munch scat

exactly what it says

Willy P: I eat crap munch scat
Everyone else: yeah you do

by currysandwhichrabbit December 12, 2021

toby is a munch

It is a fat person that is name quandale who is a munch

Look toby is a munch

by gaminggoalie YT April 20, 2023

scruff a munch

(verb) To obtain a meal at a friend's home, as an uninvited guest.

I got here as fast as I could, dude, but I didn't have time to eat any lunch. Do you mind if I scruff a munch?

by bobistheowl November 19, 2013

Richard Munch


Richard Munch is the 8th Wonder of the World for having a penis smaller than an Asian. (See definition: Asian Penis)

by Jane.Doe@Gmail.com April 24, 2018

void a munch

voidz a munch fr

omg void a munch fr

by BreakOn January 28, 2023