Widely known for taking things TOO SERIOUSLY. You know? Because that’s what children are like. Too serious about things.
Hym “You have some weird children if that’s what kids are like to you. See, you tell you dipshit kids that ‘it’s just a game’ and then they stink it up AT the game and I yell at them because your kids are dumb, terrible at things, and don’t listen.”
If you don't curate their reality without them knowing... They are probably just going to grow up to hate you... And we can't have that! If your kids are allowed to hate you or even believe the opposite of what you believe... That feeling of moral superiority will disappear entirely... People will even be able to say that your NOT better than everyone. They'll even be able to use them as evidence to support the assertion that you're worse! Better destroy anyone or anything that guves them information you don't want them to have, huh? Oh, who am I kidding? You're just going to disown them and frame the situation in a way that makes them look like the bad one.
Hym "I met a homeless crackhead who has 8 beautiful children that he loves more than life itself.... He's CLEARLY better than me. I mean. He cares so much! About children. And that's what makes him better. The fact that he did what he is physically compelled to do and fucked a women that is harder to fuck than a conservative's wife (Because you have to do more than claim you accept a theological proposition to fuck them... or maybe you don't in the context of wokeism... It might work just as well for the woke women.... Nevertheless!). God, he's just so much better! Everyone with kids is better! Especially that golden state rapist killer guy!... He cared about his kid a lot! And not anyone else to the EXTREME. So... He's clearly morally superior, right Megyn? And coming from a guy that stole one of my jokes!? I punch in all directions, helicopter arms. Remember? Not a single funny joke huh? Or maybe you will just lie blatantly on camera for money."
Children the one thing everyone hates and the one thing i hopefully will never have
max: hey see those dumb children over their
james: isnt that the orphanage?
A demon leech and generally terrible thing.
man i hate children, they're the WORST
Khatumo children represent the Reer-Darawiish community
they're Khatumo children
School directed by fat meatball. Barks orders at nameless staff. Children work slave hours and get served cardboard for grub. Overridden by invasive species of Latinos! Whole staff has collective IQ of 1. Gala events are scams af. Fat Meatball with teeth spread wide enough to insert a quarter through them. Beware of Bridge troll nurse and dragon breath teacch.
If you go to Trinity School for Children, you got numbnutZ!!! - JWheele Outttt!!!