When your wearing realtree camo to just go out to the foodmart to buy some ring dings and hoe hoes
Dang boy your almost invisible over there looking all hunter sexual
Curious where the term "butt hunter" came from?
It's Lee Know from Stray Kids! He's living every single stays life.
a magical purple object found in the slums of the lgbt community
Wow Susan, you're looking really happy today! Did you use Hunter's dildo?
A sick musician from England, go look him up.
Finlay Hunter is cool.
The most annoying person you’ll ever meet he brags the most out of all of ur friend and u mom gay
A racist guy who gets no gets no girls. He’s mean to almost all of his friends. You will have trust issues with him. If you know a hunter never trust him.
Bro stop being a hunter simmer
A person,usually male that hangs out at crowded public places and yells things like"YEAH BUDDY!!!" And "BOOOOOO" in hopes of attracting a wild scrunt
"Yeah buddy"
"Honey what was that?"
"Don't worry dear that was just a scrunt hunter trying to catch his prey"