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Douche Kill

Camping in call of duty or other fps in totally fucked places with the gayest weapons possible. Gayest weapons can include but are not limited to sniper rifles with acog scope, silenced shotguns, tomahawks, grenades cooked in a suicidal fashion, dual Uzis, energy hammers, c4, urine, sea urchins, power legs(duke nukem mp), rpgs, throwing knifes, and of course bags of dicks.

laying prone at the top of ladders with a shotgun. Laying prone on stairs waiting for a fag to kill. Sitting behind a door.Where no one has every tried to camp before, so they would never expect it is really the general rule for true douche kills. Personally i like to duck behind a desk like a boss with a shotgun while making quotes such as ya fired, or step into my office, we do not negotiate with fags, Im the boss i need the info, etc.......JUST BE A DICK AND YOU TO CAN DOUCHe KILL

by Dymeleon January 10, 2013

Kill Pill

a kill pill is another term for a bullet.

yo, calm down before i put this kill pill through your head!

by electricn00b October 12, 2010

Top Kill

An impotent solution to an out of hand problem.

Switching the meeting time from Thursday to Tuesday is a top kill; it will do little to improve the meetings’ effectiveness.

by NHTeach June 3, 2010

Kill jacker

When you're on the verge of killing someone in a video game then one of your teammates shoots him at the last second and takes the kill.

Person A: This guys about to die, he's mine!
Person B: Hey that was my kill, you kill jacker!

by yousername November 24, 2011

Creative Kill

A sport that takes place in grotty university housing that involves the innovative mass genocide of small crane fly or other insect infestations. The use of utensils or other killing weapons is highly regarded in this sport.

I just fried a crane fly. CREATIVE KILL

I just pulled off its wings and smashed it. CREATIVE KILL

I just burnt that crane fly with my lighter. CREATIVE KILL

by Snapbackchat May 24, 2014

Killing the company

When you shit on company time

You only worked 7 hours instead of 8, you're killing the company

by Joseeehosee August 21, 2020

kill on everything

to make dead (often used to threaten someone who calls your boy gay)

anonymous snap user on yolo: is kevin gay? i’ve been hearing from mad people he is
brandon (wanting to defend his friend): slide up and lemme know who this is me and kevin will kill on everything

by matilda marie October 24, 2019