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Welland Scum

All addicts of Fentynal, Crack, Xanax or any form perscription medication from the city of Welland, that steal from anyone to feed their addiction or pretend to be either an individual/groups friend in order to get information leading to an arrest that helps get themselves out of trouble with the law or to shorten a possible prison sentence or even just to feed their addiction.

"Jeff" just might be the worst Welland Scum of all!

by ⚖️🕵🏻‍♂️NRP🔒👮🏼‍♂️ January 4, 2023

King sCUM

A Man in his 40s who wasted his life talking shit to children.
He has and never will amount to anything in life and doesn’t have any kids. No on will miss a retard like him when he dies.

King sCUM owns a cult named dumbo. I wonder which autistic Special Education Dick Munchers will enlist.

by Ash PG3D March 23, 2021

Scum Or Dumb

When someone has done something atrocious due to negligence, they are either scum or they are dumb. They either knew what they were doing wasn’t right, and did it anyway, or they were too dumb to know what they were doing.

Guy1: You hear about the cop that killed that kid, thinking the kids corn dog was a machine gun?
Guy2: Are you going with scum Or Dumb here?

by Riot Craig October 26, 2017