Source Code

Tom Cruise

Slang for insane, insanity, gone crazy.

Did you notice how Katie Holmes dissappeared from the world for two weeks? She's gone totally Tom Cruise.

by Horsiest Q. Ravishing July 6, 2005

796๐Ÿ‘ 239๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tom Foolery

Wreaking Havoc/causing general chaos/shennanigans, taking the piss, etc...

Boy that old Elvis he does nothing but Tom Foolery anymore, I tell you what...

by Arngrim September 23, 2007

216๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tom Grieve

A non-alcoholic mixed drink of diet coke/pepsi and grenadine. It can also be garnished with a cherry.

Is distinguished from a Roy Rogers by containing diet rather than non-diet cola.

"I don't always drink non-alcoholic beverages, but when I do, I make it a Tom Grieve. Stay thirsty my friends." ~Most Interesting Man In The World.

by sdfsghkj November 12, 2012

225๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tom Haverford

A character played by Aziz Ansari on "Parks and Recreation". He's the funniest, is always willing to party, and gets the most chicks.

Tom Haverford: Lucy is my girlfriend...

by teheeeeeheeee August 20, 2010

38๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tom Saji

Someone who has been deported from every countrie in the world and lives underwater as an aqua gypsy because he can't go anywhere else

That bloke over there is a Tom saji

by Irish Gyppo November 1, 2018

29๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tom Felton

Plays Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter
Probably the shexxiest man ALIVE
And when he dies
He shallt be the shexxiest man who is DEAD
Did I say he can SING?
Look up Feltbeats somewhere
He's incredible


by Clairolina February 4, 2010

555๐Ÿ‘ 167๐Ÿ‘Ž

tom delonge

Tom DeLonge is the ex-singer of blink-182 and Box Car Race, he now fronts new band Angels and Airwaves (abbreviated to AVA).

He is eaily recognisable on record by his over-pronounced vowels. For instance, the line (from BCR's song 'Letters to God')
"I won't lie, I won't sin"
when sung by Tom becomes:
"OOiiiii won't looooiiii, Ooooiiii won't sseeeeaann".

He is a genius, though, and very quick to point out that he's probably the worst guitar player in the world.

He used to be hilarious and jokey, although since blink split up he has apparently had "an epiphany" and now has got a lot more serious in his bid to take over the world with AVA.

His nuts apparently taste better with fudge, and he claims to have the best looking ass in the world.

Crazy fan girl: OMMMGZZZ lyk Tom DeLonge is lyk SOOOOO hottttt


Mark: Hey Tom, tell everybody what they do in the Phillipenes

Tom: We heard that in the Phillipenes, when a baby is crying, they suck on it's penis to make it be quiet. It works with me too: if I cry, suck me off and I'll shut up"

Mark: OK, Tom - shut the fuck up!

by pie_guy May 25, 2006

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