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A guy with long hair who's lifestyle consists of smoking weed and partying with a couple friends once or twice a week.

That man Cam can really smoke that zaza.

by penissexoralvaginatoungeblowie November 2, 2020


A gorgeous girl. She is very quiet in public, but when alone with her friends she is loud and crazy.

You: Cam speak up.

Cam: I can't we're in public

by Maleena Malvern January 29, 2018


cam is that one guy that likes someone but never says it but he is great loving guy when he is dating you he will tell you that you are beutiful

hey cam

by westernvalley October 19, 2018


she gata fat butt
she pretty
n u wish u could be her 💯

boy: damnnn cam so fine i needa smash
randy: too bad im 8 inches deep

by dadiccsucca November 22, 2023


Cheeky Anal Masturbation

I’m gonna go CAM 😫

by KaiWooUrGay April 30, 2022


Guy who is heartless.

He doesn’t care about anyone’s feelings and girls cry over him.

Has a monster dick and makes girls run from it.

Thinks khendol is a bitch.

Wow! Cam made me cum so much last night.

Cam has my vagina hurting, he is a monster.

by Greatshfg October 16, 2018


A man with A massive dick and ass,
The most pleasant genenitles ever

Cam has such a big dick it went fully in me

by British best June 30, 2018