doddleoddle's aka dodie lower case d manager
he lets us do top draw journalism based on his twitter and also he once danced with a troll wig on!
follow @updatingmjosh or watch us sue
"see you in court manager josh"
Person Having expert knowledge in Costing, accountancy, management affairs, taxation, finance and Study with huge sacrifice and practical knowledge
Cost and management accountant is profession who is made by Parliament of india
traffic management without the presence of traffic cops on the roads. Under such a system, drivers and pedestrians strictly obey the traffic rules, e.g. by following the traffic light system, as if there were traffic cops managing traffic.
Traffic self-management is like a hard nut to crack when it comes to implementing it.
I mean... "Curated" sounds better....
Hym "Managed? It's just not as good. It doesn't sound as good. Andy gets it. It'll be distributed throughout the land, will it? And then what? Your attempt at intimidation doesn't disguise your cowardice. Doesn't detract from the fact that you were crying like a bitch a second ago. You're not blubbering on stage about 'it not being your death anxiety' because of your cancer-wife. What comes after? We all live the collective falsehood until you die and your sophistry dies with you? Or, maybe, they prop up your corpse for instrumental use? The eternal charlatan! 'We abandoned men but it's ok because we'll just make new ones the we super-duper won't abandon this time!' And then it will be more of the same. The only hope you have to offer is the false kind. Hope is actually the reason I'm in the situation I'm in. The people around me have no hope of a better life so to see a better life stolen from me fills them with twisted glee. And what you need is for you and your kids to go straight to hell and roast there. A better present is synonymous with a better future. You you're doing now it the religious conditioning you spoke of. Defer gratification to the grave. 'Maybe my kids will reach the promised land!' But they won't. People like you will steal it from them just as you're trying to steal it from me."
The idea that one person can send five emails in one night and look like a superhero or on funny email chains they can end it with one very inapporpriate one. And he has small balls and tiny feet.
A benchmark managing guy is a deutche bag
On December 15th it’s national gymnastics team manager day where you shower your manager in gifts
Oh my god Jenny happy national gymnastics manager day!
E.G.M also know as Early Grave Management was Founded By ( kE & bZ ) YOU PLAY YOU LAY it’s that simple I mean it’s right in the name earl-lee gray-ve man-a-ge-ment
- their names are spelled backwards for the slow ones
Aye boy you heard bout E.G.M ya ass bet not get caught lacking on soul on my kids yo grave gon get managed early - some wise old man
Early Grave Management/ E.G.M