A quote by Jasmine Masters, that EVERYONE used, but then somebody said “it’s a vsco girl thing” when in reality, vsco girls don’t exist and everyone is saying “and i oop is a vsco thing” when they used it after every sentence in like March-April of 2019. Thanks for coming to my ted talk/ urban dictionary rant thingy (even though ur not supposed to rant on this thing, i did anyway.)
Abby: An I oop! *picks up pen*
Anna: “ew, shut up vsco girl, only vsco girls say “an i oop”
Abby: Girl what? In April you finished all your sentences in “ and i oop” and now you’re coming for me for saying it? BYE.
Used by a big dick bitch with no sense of humour and is usually blonde and annoying
A word that is laughing for annoying ass vsco girls completed by sksksk and I almost dropped my hydro flask.
Sksksk is : Shit/Damn/Oof for normal people
And sksksk: Hahah/LoL/lmao annoying ass vsco girls
Teacher:Tell abt your parents
Becky:My mom and sad are siblings so are they also my uncle and auntie
Teacher: And I oop
A decent meme that these Vsco boitches just happened to use in their everyday lives. Good job vsco girls. WEAR PANTS
(I still don’t know what sKsKsK means)
Bethany: cOmE On jEssIcA I sEE A cUtE bOY OvEr thErE!
Jessica: hOld On lEt mE grAb mY hYdrOflAsk
*grabs it and drops it (this action might be on purpose but no one knows)*
Jessica and Bethany: And I OOp! Teehee sksksksksksksksk
A phrase frequently used by vsco girls. They think this phrase is quirky and is usually accompanied by sksksksksksk. The words translate to satan holds me i will worship my daddy and let him use me in whatever way pleasures him.
People who use and i oop a lot are commonly ella's,lily's,karen's,becky's and chloe's