A competition of talking shit about/to all participants
Nah I ain't in this shooting sessions mark takes it to the head.
A euphemism for f**k this s**t when you cannot really swear.
Freak this shoot! I'm out!
To aim for an easy target or carry out a comparatively easy task which may give the appearance of success, achievement or progress towards a desired goal but does not have any substantial merit, benefit or value and/or does not actually help to achieve the intended goal in any substantive way. A business buzz phrase or management speak associated with with general douchebaggery and common use by tits, wankers, tosspots and arseholes. The phrase has military origins, where buglers and pipers often went into battles unarmed, stood in plain sight and were no direct threat to to the opponent.
Andy, I agree with John that your idea would would just be shooting the bugler.
A dumb or retarted person with no common sense.
That girl cant count money shes shooting buck.
the act of holding you finger over your penis hole and letting your penis fill up with urine
Bilbo: Charging up
Cack: nnnoooo