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the silliest of all silly goose

Bryce: wtf is Trevor doing over there?
Randal: allow it brother. he's just a silly goose

by Father Randal September 5, 2023


A weird individual, usually between early 20s to late 40s with a very bad psychotic disorder, extreme anger, huffs paint and tries very hard to buy up local illegal activities (primarily drugs and guns).

Guy 1: "come see the news!
Guy 2:"What's the problem?"
Guy 1: "There was a Trevor living in our neighborhood."
Guy 2:"Oh yea I recognize that guy"
Guy 1:"You do?"
Guy 2:"He's the guy that sleeps butt-naked in front of his garage and shits behind the sheriff's office."

by TheDankWolf1995 April 6, 2018


When a man ghosts a girl or vice versa.

Trevor gained a reputation of ghosting every girl he talked to so people started using the name as a way to reference a man ghosting someone.

“Aye man imma pull a Trevor on this hoe

by SEXINNAVAN June 20, 2023

Trevor morgan

He is a hot sexy nigerian nigga from south niggerville

“Yo trevor morgan is so hot”
“yea facts bro homies hella sexy

by morgan_trevor April 10, 2022

madi & trevor

if you’re in a relationship with a trevor and your name happens to be madi, then madi 100% loves trevor more than he loves her

madi & trevor :
trevor: i love you more

madi: no i do
trevor: google it
madi : google said if you’re in a relationship with a trevor and your name happens to be madi, then madi 100% loves trevor more than he loves her

by milf in the making November 3, 2021

trevor deroy

a dumb bitch

that dog is trevor deroy

by jaden stubbins March 21, 2017

Trevor Hedge

Total Douchebag

Don't be such a Trevor Hedge

by Trevor Hedge July 8, 2017