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Troy Korbuly

Act of dating underage girls

my name is Troy Korbuly and I'm dating a 15 year old cheerleader

by Hey troy February 12, 2014


The best friend you could ask for, he is always there for you. Troi has a crippling depression and a addiction to henti. He is the most awkward person on the face of the planet, but the best person in your life.

“Dude Troi is my best friend

“I gave Troi the succ last night”

by Ruthlessraquel June 20, 2018


probably farts

"did troi just fart"

by boykisser420 October 19, 2021


Troi is one of the most loyal Niggas u would meat in ya life

Troi is a real nigga cuz

by Dhdhdbr rousushs August 24, 2022


Amazing. Hot. Honestly the best person ever no cap. He's a great boyfriend with great taste in music. He's really caring and amazing to talk to. He's a gamer. Trois are always honest about everything they say. He isn't the most extroverted person ever though. Trois are also very funny. I know I already said they're hot but like, you need to understand something. They have god like hotness. No god could compete. Like, they have beautiful eyes and a heart melting smile. Great to be friends with. He's very loyal to his friends and his girlfriend. Anyways, you should have a Troi in your life.

person#1- "Hey did you see that new kid Troi?"
person#2-"yeah he's so hot"
person#1"HEY I was going to say that"
person#2-"Too bad"

by okwhyamihere March 20, 2021


A gender netural name that fit some of the gays.

Person 1: hi my preferred name is Troi.
Person 2:Hi my name is James!

by TroiLore1 April 28, 2022