Trash ass rapper and track runner. Say he get girls but always gets curved or "done dirty" by dem meanin he got no game.
Mannnnnnn someone said i was lookin like a Eugene Wilson today cause i got curved by my crush.
Pretty, kind hearted, lactose intolerant who still consumes dairy and then regrets it right away, she loves cheer, her family (sometimes), loves her two brothers and her future dog. She loves to read and has blonde hair. She goes by Ella and has cheered since she was four.
Isabella Wilson is a queen who loves her brothers.
A typical Asian CS Specialist Fuccboi whose addicted to League of Legends. He gets tilted very easily and his role model growing up is American Dragon: Jake Long
Oh look, Wilson Hsu is playing league again at 7am in the morning
massive marijuana smoker that is put on probation because the narcs are whack.
I wish I could just bust a wilsone right now but I gotta drink alchohol instead cuz im on probation.
thats me, okay, im probably the first person to go over the limit
candice: hey, you heard of Joe Bartholomew Wilson Alexander Jenkins Jr. IV of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ?
you: yep, he bypassed the username
The most dangerous out suffolk if you play you late they banging the 3 and foreva dropping da 2 LLM LLPECAN
Them wilson st. boys made me run out the south 😪
Man ho cheats on every girl he dates. Refuses to grow up. Loves going back to the girl he “beat”
Sucks at being a player, he is always getting caught.