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Bed Buddy

It is sex with someone you know for a long time. Not an emotional "love" connection, just someone you care about as a friend only and it is just sex for mutual pleasure.

If you can't fuck your friends than who can you fuck a total stranger you know nothing about? Better and safer to have a bed buddy.

It is sex with a friend whom you've known and care about but not as emotional, love interest relationship. Someone that can maintain the separation of sex and being in love.

As long as both partners understand the boundaries it can provide a lifetime of fond positive memories.
Cougar, Booty call, courtesan, WILF, MILF, Lover, Mistress, Safe Sex, fuck buddy, Friends with Benefits

by Assante October 29, 2010

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annabelle in bed

Annabelle is a freak in bed. She knows how to ride the dick just right. She can make you cum within seconds.

Woah I had an Annabelle in bed last night. She was amazing.

by Iโ€™m daddy April 2, 2018

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bed pan

bed pan: An entertaining party game in which two players, standing on adjacent beds, try and knock the other player off of the bed. The first player to touch the ground, with any part of his/her body, loses. Usually takes place in the form of a tournament and in the company of friends. Variations can include: Team mode, water and/or vibrating bed mode, and, if so inclined, nude mode.

Wow, Guillaume is the bed pan master!

by o mastigia November 13, 2005

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frenching a bed

A trick perpetrated at summer camps or on fellow military recruits where a tightly made bed (hospital corners and all) is made up in such a way that the sheet(s) below the blanket are made up and tightly tucked in, but they only reach halfway down the mattress before being folded under. thus it is preventing the proper occupant from slipping under covers at bedtime. Rather his legs get stuck halfway down in the folded sheet "envelope."

Example: We were frenching a bed for every guy who acted like an idiot.

by CanadianWiz February 3, 2014

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Bed Inspector

The secret rapist/friend under your bed while your awake then goes on top of the bed to sleep next to you while your asleep.

Matthew is Daniel's Bed Inspector.

by TheBedInspector May 17, 2011

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stranger in the bed

Stranger In The Bed is a common masturbation technique. One does this by either, laying or sitting on their arm until your arm has fallen asleep. You then procced to masturbate with the feeling that someone else is doing it for you.

Frank: Why are you sitting on your arm?

Herbert: Because there is a stranger in the bed, if you know what I mean.

Frank: If you wanted a stranger in the bed, you could've just asked.

by Silly Sam, The Seamen Man April 2, 2014

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bed rotting

The Gen Z term for staying in bed for days on end binging on Netflix, Tik Tok and Hinge as examples.

Hey man, where have you been? I havenโ€™t seen you in ages.

Sorry brother, Iโ€™ve been bed rotting for the last week.

by Chriso! June 2, 2023

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