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crispy men

A man just out the fryer, so yummy, so young, so… good…

Girl 1: woah! Look at those men!
Girl 2: yeah, I wonder what their names are.
Girl 3: crispy men. They are just like McDonald’s fries.
Girl 2:fat bitch.

by Gooeybeans July 6, 2023

Snap, crackle, pop rice crispie treats

This phrase is mainly used when your in public and you either mess up or really mad and you don't want to say a long slur of swears.

"Snap, crackle, pop rice crispie treats"! I ripped my nail!

by A.B.C.D. August 18, 2012

Crispy Enterprises

A Swedish Full-Time Email Copywriter who provides emails for clients in their voice to grow their sales.

Disciplined, hard-working, and a supporter.

Crispy Enterprises, the top rated Email Copywriter.

by newsnews January 26, 2024

Crispy Stroke

When a girl strokes a Plain Crispy Cream doughnut on your dick. The glaze is his nut.

I went to Kev’s last night, and gave him a crispy stroke! Yum yum gone!

by Ksuave April 20, 2022

Crispy TJ

When you blowtorch someone's genitals for erotic or comedic purposes.

"Hey Chris, what happened to you last night?"
"My wife wanted me to come home and try a crispy tj. She got off...I got 3rd degree burns"


"Dude Chris was being a dick at band practice so i 'accidentally' gave him a Crispy TJ during our performance. I laughed so hard I dropped my fender."

by JR Puffinstuff June 8, 2016

Crispy Kobe

Referring to the leaked photos of the wreckage of Kobe Byrant's helicopter crash, referring to his charred corpse. "Crispy Kobe" is a kind of "cat-call" meant to purely piss off fans.

Damn the cav's lost to the lakers again. But guess what. Ha! Crispy Kobe.
Lakers Fan: You racist fuck, I'll beat your ass.

by CrispehKobe May 6, 2022


When your so burnt you have no clue what's going on around you.
Smoked out.

When you claim to get your best sleep while driving.

Vacuming the same spot on your carpet for ten hours. The act of tweaking.
Stealing your friends stolen car.
Stealing your bag and helping you look for it. Attempting to purchase drugs with casino match play or EBT.

Rubin is crispy/crisp'n he tried buying a 20$ bag with a 10 $ match play.

by KnightMare. July 25, 2018