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cyber crusader

a person who feels its his divine purpose to correct people on everything and belittle them for there terrible sin.

person: I totaly like nickleback

cyber crusader: Go eat a big bag of dicks you faggot nickelback can only right crappy sappy tunes that are for 12 year old girls. and its spelled nickelback...wow your dumb as shiiiit and a fag. i would kill myself if i where you.

person: thanks you for correcting me cyber crusader i will for ever remember your wise words and heed to them.

by andar the vanquisher November 30, 2010

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Cyber Terrorism

A grossly overstated "threat" contrived by power-hungry fascists to convince Brits & Yanks to surrender yet more of their civil liberties and rights to the government.

London: "People are starting not to fear al-Qa'eda anymore!"

Washington: "Settle down, it'll be okay, we just need a new threat..."

London: "Like what?"

Washington: "Ah I have it! Al-Qa'eda is going to launch 'Cyber Terrorism' attacks from its caves in Afghanistan"

London: "Oh, thank you Uncle Sam, that should shut the public up for a while..."

by John S. June 18, 2006

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Cyber trick

A sexual webcam used on riverdail by chic bringing out the darkness in Betty

Chick I a cyber trick

by Melanie roper March 5, 2018

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Cyber Cock

A term used to describe a virtual male penis. It can also be simplified into the two letters of CC.

Guy: Hey, do you like CC?
Girl: I suppose?
Girl: What is CC?
Guy: CC's pizza.
Girl: Sure I like it, it's edible.
Guy: So you like Cyber Cock Pizza?
Girl: Yes plz.

by ub3 l33b ninja p33ps May 9, 2006

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cyber snitch

internet snitches get stiches too.

Everyone rags on some stupid ass girl on youtube and was linked from another site and then some douche bag leaves a comment in the youtube video

"Heeey herpa derpa girl whos pretty but cant sing, all the comments came from a website of mean people take it easy they are just trying to be mean"
cyber snitchin leads to cyber stitchin bitch

by redm0n November 29, 2010

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cyber ship

Noun: The computer or laptop or any other device used to cruise the internet.

Is that your notebook? Yup, it's fast and it serves as my cyber ship that I use to surf the web.

by genxjedi March 9, 2010

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Cyber prostitute

someone who sells nudes and video's

58 y/o guy: you like gorgeous can i have so pictures

girl that is from dmt that im not allowed to name: sure
58 y/o guy: what can i call u

girl that is from dmt that im not allowed to name: just call me a cyber prostitute

by dmtsbestpedo January 22, 2020

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