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Dingle berries

A Whore who lives on the corner, sells herself for a good cost of "attention" and wastes your smoke by bum puffing then pisses in her front garden like a madddd wigga. A story of a girl and her friend who cried wolf.

Kym: Dingle berries, stop giving me stinky meff.
Amy: I'm in a cult, everyone's out to rape us.
Kym: I thought that was a joke and we are framing them as that?
Amy: It is a joke, we say it to ppl Kym we need fool everyone to get half a million dollars! Think of the money, Cumbucket.
Kym: Can I be the hungry seagull, you drug yourself and I'll save you after eating Gon you gave them.

by YourWorstNightterror. February 25, 2023

Dingle berry

A piece of poo hanging off your cats bum

My cat has a dingle berry connected to his bum.

by abc chicken August 11, 2021

Dingle berry

A dingle berry is a poop that doesn’t fully come out of an elephants butt, so it just hangs there. It’s usually really gross. You can use this term to insult your friends, and family members.

Human: ewwwwww look at the elephants butt! He has a dingle berry
Elephant: stop looking at my butt you perv. And I can’t do anything about it.


Human #1: hahaha butthole
Human #2: hahahaha you think thats an insult…your a dingle berry!
Human #1: what’s a dingle berry
Human #2: look it up on the urban dictionary..hehehehehe

by XxAeris_LOLxX November 17, 2021

Dingle Berries

A mans testicles. The low hanging fruit.

That guy's Dingle berries are furrier then a kiwi fruit basket.

by Ivhadaharday June 15, 2017


folks on the outer rim of DeSantis and Trump orbits

Look at this dingle-berry who will say anything to try to ingratiate himself to DeSantis.

by June 2, 2023

Dingle berry

A little peice of yummy dried up caca hanging on for dear life on you vaginal/asshole/anus/nutt pubicles.

Joselyn grabbed her big, juicy, old Dingle berry and ate it as a sweet treat.

by Roxana Asgarzadie February 5, 2024

dingle berry

A dingle berry is a word used to described a silly/annoying/rude person

person 69 - oMg piNk iS sUcH aN uGlY cOlOuR, i hATe iT!1!1!

person 21 - omg shut up, you're such a dingle berry

by xXDemon_SlayerxX February 14, 2021