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douche dial

Similar to the concept of drunk dialing, douche dialing is the act of receiving an annoying and unwanted phone call or text message from a complete douche or douche bag. Similar to drunk dialing, douche dialing often involves irritating and repeated phone calls from ex-boyfriends or overly pompous guys trying to score dates with unreceptive girls. However, unlike drunk dialing, douche dialing does not necessarily have to take place late at night. Douche bags can dial phones at any hour.

Last night, I got douche dialed by that complete douchebag, Dan. This is the third time this week he's douche dialed me. Can't he get the picture that I'm not going to go out with him?

by ceili p May 5, 2009

douche moment

when a 'friend' displays immaturity through a pay-out or put down, usually a completely random insult to achieve sadistic pleasure such as facebook 'likes'. only a real douche bag of a guy would randomly pay-out another. this cannot be titled to a true friend, as no true friend would do it. several things can happen before a douche moment; his mum could be selling herself, his girlfriend on pms, feeling unloved or sad with being a failure.

Alex: "hey i heard Daniel's being a real ass to Sam"
Joe: "yeah did you see what Daniel wrote on his wall?"
Alex: "yeah that was a real douche moment"

by imagit July 1, 2012

a douche of emos

n. The collective term for a group of emos, as pod is to whales or pride is to lions.

Look out honey, a douche of emos nearly stumbled into you.

Hey look at that, a douche of emos.

...It was a amazing, you almost never see a douche of emos roaming around in the wild like that.

by Mirrors July 14, 2009

douche vibes

when you see a guy and you've never actually met him but you get the strong sense that he is a complete douche bag.

Kevin Federline, radiates major douche vibes, need I provide further examples?

by Mercedes Bends March 14, 2008

Monkey Douche

When a women is crouching/squatting in the tub naked facing the faucet with it running. She then repeadetly catches water in her hands and hand over hand begins tossing it into her vagina in hopes to extract male sperm (cum) out of her. The motion similar to that of a monkey throwing there feces hand over hand over there shoulders. (Yet in the situations one hand at a time and into there vagina)

Male: Hey hunny I hear the shower running. Coming in to join you. hehehe

Female: (not responding/did not hear)

Male: (sneaks in and sees her in tub) Um hey...


Male: Did I just catch you doing a Monkey Douche

by Skillet Sensation July 7, 2010

Ice Douche

1. Any person at an ice rink who attempts to show off, without doing anything show-off-worthy (see examples below).

2. At an ice rink, the person who, instead of doing their job as a guard, skates around in a douche-like manner to prove they're better than everyone else.

3.Any person at an ice-rink who shows off by: skating really fast, skating really fast and then skidding, resulting in sheets of ice spraying on innocent by-skaters.

1. Person- "Hey, my child is really afraid to skate, can you bring him a walker to help him out?"
Ice Douche- "Ah, nah. I'm too busy showing off to actually do the job I'm being paid for." (Skates off douchily)
2. Person A- "Hey, havin fun?"
Person B- "No, I almost got ran over by that ice douche over there."
3. Person A- "Hey, Ice Douche, could you do a triple axle for us?"
Ice Douche- "Umm, yeah, after the ice is cleared" (Ice is cleared and still doesn't do triple axle).

by pistachiodskater March 19, 2011


Douche-Titan: An individual, male or female that exudes above average douche-bag qualities.

Person A – Did you hear about that guy that pooped in B’s litter box after her Halloween party?

Person B - Yeah, what a douche-titan!

by Shantytown January 28, 2010