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Urban dictionary has a lot of definitoins on emo, and most of them are BULL-!
Aren't stereotypes in general BULL-? Emos are not whiney, rich kids who think life sucks and try to kill themselves- that's called stereotyping. And besides, you don't have to be rich to shop at Hot Topic. Since when does anyone not want to be themselves and be an individual. Who cares if you don't look a certain way, or you don't have to act a certain way either. Just be yourself.

If you watch interviews with the guys from Fugazi and From First to Last, you'll see that eventhough there are emo, they are great people with a sense of humor.

by Mysteryperson September 30, 2006

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a word to describe a scene of people who listen to angsty, hormonal music centred around depression and hate. Relief and a sense of belonging is captured in listening to such music. Identified by wearing band tops(or if that's too unhip, vintage tops)usually brown or black. But extremists can wear v.bright clothes, simply patterend though, none of the hippy hysteria.yellow nail varnish is popular, and bows on heads. They often have either v dark hair(dyed).Cartoon drawing is common, and an obsession with Gerard Way.They hardly ever smile, because they have misguided conception that that brings out artiness and mysteriousness in them.However, on the bright side they are often very imaganitive and always anti-prejudice people.

emo music:taking back sunday, my chemical romance, misfits.

by Allie789 January 4, 2006

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kids with a bunch of facial piercings (usually fake), black clothing, and a whiny voice that complains way too aften. they want attention. there are lots of them and they are growing

gonewithXxXblood: i just got snake bites!
average kid: why are they crooked?
gonewithXxXblood:welum you see my mom wouldn't let me get them so i cried for 3 days and then i went to hot topic and got these fake ones. but don't tell anyone because i already posted 6 bullitens about them on myspace.
average kid: what happened to you? you weren't emo a few months ago.
gonewithXxXblood: I'M NOT EMO!! I'M SCENE!
avaerage kid: whatever

by socalsunshine February 18, 2008

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emo is a slang term used to describe teenagers today.
it is popular to be emo because of the all the radiant attention you get from it,guys wear skinny jeans,have jet black hair(sometimes brown-dark brown),can barely see through their hair and are always flicking it to see clearly,they consider this sexy.
girls love emo guys and only date them,it was first a catch of the millenium now it's so normal you can practically marry one without hassle.
mp3/ipod lists my chemical romance,panic! at the disco,afi,fall out boy and some other random unknown 'emo' bands to show how intellectual they are.
emo kids are faking,not a single real one exists anymore,if they dye their hair,they're faking.
emo is practically over now,people consider it embarassing and are desperate to either cut their hair or grow their hair back again....sad,when they were the ones bragging 'emo 4 life'...

my question....what's next?

emo kid: i totally regret doing this now...(chucks out mcr cd)
emo girl: i can't wait to grow my hair again...what was i thinking?
former emo kid: i hate emos they are so gay and dumb and...(you get the idea)

by Biolet November 12, 2007

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OK Now every Chav,Townie etc thinks emo is a person who cries all the time then cuts themselves and lives in self pity well sorry to tell you 89% of the teenage population(this is just a rough estimate it is probably higher) you are wrong!Emo's do not cut themselves a few do but then again so do chavs and goths and skaters and grebs and townies now just because emo's listen to heavier music than r & b(puke) or rap(even worse) etc it doesn't mean they cut themselves and wallow in self pity no the thing most people have failed to realize is that emo is just a music genre and fashion style.

The emo bands that are still going include: Funeral for a friend, Clash of the sirens and the haunts (there are a lot more) also i recommed going to see all of those bands they are all awesome I saw them in May.

So I leave you with this emo is a subculture of the more widely known goth it is only a fashion statement and genre of music.

chav: Go cut yourself you goddamn Emo go slit your wrists
*emo is thinking* All these chavs are telling me to slit my wrists I would say something but theres too many

by emo_hunter_of_chavs June 11, 2007

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EMO doesn't stand for anything, and it isn't anyone in particular, nor is it a group of people. It once was, as many people have already stated, a genre of music, now it is used to refer to those people who don't fit into the categories we have created. just because we do not understand one person does not mean we have to class them then throw away any last remaining thoughts of them. one day we should approach one and ask whether they are okay, maybe you'll be pleasantly suprised by the lack of stereotypical comments in their reply.

Some people have been through hard times, some people don't know HOW to cope with what is happening to them, why don't we, instead of shunning them, help them and then maybe there won't be any need for this utterly pointless category.

Cutting-isn't necessarily a characteristic of "EMOhood", its a phase of life, and sometimes an outlet of frustration and pain. would you prefer them to take their anger out on others?

Random person 1:Man, you're EMO...
"EMO": *thwack!*

Moral: Don't stereotype others, especially when you can't, or don't, stereotype yourself.

by idioticsmartass June 22, 2007

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I Thought I Should Clear Up Its Not Only Emos Who Self Harm.
Emo Is More Of A Music Genre, Stupid People Just Call People Who Listen To Emo Music Emo. Fools!
Its Not Nice To Be Labeled..Should Emos Go Round Calling Evryone Who Takes The Piss Out Of Them CHAV!
No, Thats Stupid Prejudice!
People Go Through Rough Times And Just Like To Be Left To It And Not To Be Judged
Some People Think Emos Are Just Like Drama Queens Who Are Pessamistic.
Just Because Yooh Fuckers Have A Great Life Quit Making It Worse For Us.
And Also...Yes Emo boysLike To Wear Skinny Jeans.
I Find It Quite Offensive How Nearly Evry Defenition On Here Is Slating "emo" Fuck Off!
Give People A Break They Are Normal 2, Just View Life Differently

ChavvyBoy: Eww Why Yooh Be Wering Skinny Jeans For?
HotEmo: Whye Are Yooh Wering Tracksuits & Burberry
ChavvyBoy: I Like These Clothes
HotEmo: Well I Like Mine, Dude Give Me A Break. Were The Same, Im Just Not A Sheep Like Yooh And Everyone Else! :P

by HeavenlyDemonic September 14, 2007

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