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Gender Envy

The feeling you get when watching captain_morgin's maid dress stream on Twitch.

Person 1: Wow Captain looks so gender
Person 2: Yea, I need to get a maid dress now so I can show gender envy too.
Person 1: K but send me pics.

by ItzAFloof January 12, 2022

greenness envy

The anxious feeling that someone else has a better reputation than you for protecting the environment.

Everyone admired my new Prius and the solar collectors on my house, till my neighbor bought an all-electric car and put up a wind turbine. Now I'm suffering from profound greenness envy.

by bglassman April 7, 2010

Food envy

A German expression (Futterneid) describing the behaviour of persons who hoard food or are unwilling to share food with others.

Didn’t your brother just take that platter of food to his room?

Yes, but I rescued it. I might want to eat some more later. It’s my food envy.

by jajafe December 25, 2022

space envy

Someone who lives in a small house ith limited storage and sees others with multiple bathrooms and shelves that are for specific items because they have so much room

Look at how many cupboards you have and all this activity space. I totally have space envy right now

by Youll know when you know January 3, 2019

Academic Envy

The feeling of jealousy that rushes through your body when hearing about others’ academic success and achievements.

The rush of academic envy flowed through my body as she flaunted her A+ while I was stuck with a C.

by Kimber1yyy February 10, 2021

dirty envy

When a super hot chick named Envy sits on your face and pussy farts and you try to catch it with your mouth

Girl get on my face and feed me the dirty envy

by HandleThis6969 November 10, 2022

False Pump Envy

In crypto, when coins you don’t own pump but you’re in a better coin that’s appreciating more with interest and paying off over a longer time frame.

Bro don’t get REKT by false pump envy, HODL your HEX!

by Mati Allin November 23, 2020