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Facebook prostitution

Facebook Prostitution is the practice of posting on Facebook in exchange of or expecting for Likes from other Facebook users and fan pages.

Dude #1 He's on Facebook all day and keep posting his shit just to get a few Likes from his friends...
Dude #2 That's just Facebook prostitution, dude!

by Narcissistic Notes Fb page October 2, 2013

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Facebook Freak

Typically someone who stays on facebook all day everyday,even when they have nothing to doon there anymore.

Shaynah:Omj,Megan is a total creepity! Shes been on facebook all day! She commented 10 of my pictures,like wtf.

Miranda:Sounds more like a Facebook Freak to me!

by HRC! September 26, 2010

Facebook echo

An accidental double-sending of a message on Facebook chat due to a chat error. Happens way too often.

Jon: "Hi!"
Anna: "Hey there!"

"Hey there!"
Anna: "Ugh. Sorry. Facebook echo."
Jon: "Facebook lives in a cave."

by Tomi V. October 21, 2010

Facebook Masturbator

This term is used to describe one who posts status updates, links, videos and or pictures, as well as other wall posts, and then goes on to "like" the posts. The indidual may have a phsycological disorder, as its obvious they like it. they posted it.

Tyler: "Did you see that Viggo is going to get the new Halo game tonight?"
Skylar: "Yeah, he posted it on facebook, and then he 'Liked' it."
Tyler: "He liked his own status? what a Facebook Masturbator ..."

by squirrelyJOE October 16, 2010

Facebook Flirt

When a individual or group of individuals use "Facebook friends" to find unsuspecting targets for conversation and flirting, but never actually plan on being in a relationship with them. Most look attractive in their profile pic, but only after hours of editing

John: Brian this really cute girl added me yesterday and commented on my pics, she's into me.

Brian: That's wassup man.

4 Weeks Later

John: Do you know that hoe won't answer me in a message or im, and I saw her at this concert and she had ant hills all over her face.

Brian: Really? Sucks man

1 hour later

*John has 20 mutual friends with Kiersten*

Ryan: Hey john you see that hot chick commenting my pics

John: OMG, that Facebook Flirt !

by J|C July 14, 2010

Facebook Diarrhea

When someone will not stop posting facebook posts, no matter how many people dont care

"Jim has got a bad case of facebook diarrhea. He will not posting posts"

"I know. Does he actually think people care about him?"

by Mr_Nice_Guy October 21, 2012

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facebook whore

Signs of a facebook whore:

1. If you catch yourself saying, "That is going in my Facebook Quotes!" every time someone says something funny.

2. If the second you see a new movie and you like it you think to yourself, "Yay I get to put this under my favorite movies on Facebook!"

3. If you hear a song on the radio and you autuomatically decide that the band who sings it is going to be one of your favorite music.

4. If you are in at least 30 groups.

5. If you want to be in every picture possible ever taken with your friends, then you tell them a hundred times to not forget to put them on Facebook.

6. If you are constantly wanting more wall posts.

7. If you log in to Facebook more than 5 times a day.

8. If you have more than 20 friends in your friends list that you don't know.

9. If you find yourself bringing up Facebook in conversations.

10. If the only reason you know someone is through Facebook.

11. If you refresh your Facebook every .5 seconds to see if you have a message, have been poked, have a new wall post, or someone added a picture of you.

LiiKe OmG! i Am a FaCeBoOk WhORe!

by Kyle Icenhower May 25, 2006

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