1. The worst game in the Final Fantasy series -- alongside the linear dungeon that is Final Fantasy XIII. Approximately one third of the game is spent on character stats, card battles, and side-quests. Another third is dedicated to GF gatherings and useless upgrades. Everything else directs you to the awful story and Mary-Sues.
2. One of the more overrated entries of the Final Fantasy series. With an excess of over a million fans from all over, it continues to rape the minds of countless RPG enthusiasts.
3. A game that marked the end of the Squaresoft's golden age. Its predecessors were FAR superior in terms of strategies, depth, side-quests, artwork, character designs, stories, and character mechanics; however, young VIII still managed to arouse the world with its hollow existence. People play it simply because it's part of the FF franchise.
4. The garbage that you throw out.
Person #1: EWWWWW! It's Final Fantasy VIII! Smash it now!
Person #2: IT'S SO FUN, THO!!!11
Person #1: Play Final Fantasy VII if you want your fun.
29๐ 70๐
Despite the misleading name, this internet forum is not a place where people come to discuss Final Fantasy. Members here instead discuss pressing topics such as "What is your action against cruelty?" and "Can we change the name of the site to Final Fantasy Patrick?". If you like games on Nintendo systems, this may be a site for you.
Final Fantasy Shrine needs a Phoenix Wright forum.
16๐ 38๐
For the average hardcore gamer who gamed in 1997, a flawless masterpiece.
For the intelligent and thoughtful gamer, game designer, or fiction writer/lover/TVTroper, a baffling combination of the extremely impressive and the mind-bogglingly pathetic. It had an incredible budget and yet they didn't seem to hire a quality assurance team, an experienced music arranger, an experienced 3D modeler, or especially an English proofreader.
The story would be genuinely touching if the translation weren't a garbled, largely incomprehensible mess, and if the 3D character designs and animations weren't among the hilariously worst ever made in a 3D game. Much of the art was breathtaking for the time, but the character models, which are the most emotive and arguably the most important visuals in the game, look horrendous. The music is fantastic in concept, but whoever converted it into MIDI doesn't know a fucking thing about how to use MIDI well-- although I will admit many of the songs did actually turn out well. There were a lot of complex ideas coded into the game, but there are far more hilarious and pathetic glitches in sheer number than even Sonic '06 has, even if the actual frequency of the glitches in VII compared to that of those in Sonic '06 is only 50% at worst.
Final Fantasy VII is not the *perfect* game, nor is it the most awful *joke*. More like, it is the *perfect joke*.
Bob: Hey man, Final Fantasy VII is the best game of all time!
Steve: If by "best" you mean it has "the largest gap of difference between the most amazing and the most awful points ever achieved within a single work", then yeah, it is.
Bob: Uhhhh... What?
11๐ 24๐
PS1 and PC rpg. Is slightly overrated. It was good, but not as good as 8.
Brainwashed FF7 junkie: "I dont care what you say, ff7 pwns all"
Me: "Keep telling yourself that..."
32๐ 87๐
The winning contender for worst Final Fantasy game ever created. It was released after Final Fantasy VII and Squaresoft were hoping it would be just as successful as the last one. However, the changes they made to the system in the game were radical and only served to cripple the game, making it vastly unpopular and a flop.
The story focuses on a group of six characters, most of whom are mercenaries contracted out to help a struggling (read: worst I've ever seen) rebel group. From there, the characters fall victim to incredibly hackneyed, trite and implausible twists and turns in the story (such as the point where they all find out they knew each other as children but had their memories wiped).
The gameplay is quite bad and actively discourages the use of magic. The characters themselves have little to distinguish themselves from each other apart from their Limit Breaks. The Junctioning system (used to help improve your character, since evryone levels up at the same rate regardless of their level) is unnecessarily complex and fiddly, detracting from what little good gameplay there was.
Some elements of the game were good, but ultimately Final Fantasy VIII was a flop compared to may of the others.
At least you had a really hot schoolteacher with a whip on your team.
64๐ 198๐
Final Fantasy Shrine is a tank!
Man, look at that Final Fantasy Shrine go!
13๐ 32๐
A game that get's so freakin' easy after Atma (You get stuff like Ultima,Genji Glove,Offering,Illumina,Atma Weapon,etc,can you make the game easier?!).
But I gotta say it KICKS ASS. And it has the best villain ever,Kefka! Mog pwnz too.
This game proves that easy cheeziness can still be incredibly AWESOME.
"Son of a submariner! They'll pay for this!"-Kefka
27๐ 82๐