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get the monkey

the state of being extremely out of luck or in dire circumstances (usu. used with "he/she was absolutely..." or "we were absolutely..."

Shane was out of bullets, the branch he was on was cracked, and the wolves were circling beneath. He knew he was absolutely get the monkey.

by Jackonrad November 24, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

get none

A person that receives no pleasure from any type of organism known to man. They usually are seen in the corner, at the party shuffling their feet as if they are having a good time. No fashion sense and no charm. Usually see around the football field at Marist College.

See that guy raging by himself in the corner? That dude is a get none and a half.

by Merv Dickman November 6, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get Scared

A Band filled with metal, screamo, and repeatable tunes. They have been #1 in countries, and in hearts

Get Scared is an amazing band

by semiart March 19, 2017

21๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

getting schooled

Losing a contest/game/battle/argument in a humiliating fashion while the other person shows you how it is done. They remain as cool as a cucumber as if it didn't even require effort on their part.

Joe: "Ryan only has to get the black and then he has 7-balled me in this game of pool"
Jen: "You're getting schooled Joe, jeez!"

by pLUSpISTOL January 4, 2012

40๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

get into the groove

have passion about doing something and feel motivated to get it done

get into the groove of writing this paper

by Idea Analyst November 14, 2010

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get the stretch

Getting the stretch means to acquire or gather a large amount of drugs. Predominately marijuana, but it can vary to shrooms or prescription pills.

"Yo brendon im lookin to pick up, did you get the stretch yet?"

by Adamitis1818 January 15, 2015

40๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Get down

During the disco and funk era, in many venues the dance floor was often located below the seating area, so to "get down" was to go down to the dance floor. Originally meant in reference to dancing, eventually leading to sexual implications. However, it also means "to be cool with".
A most useful term.

Other forms: Get down, gettin down, getting down.
There is a more recent version of the sexual meaning is "going down (town)".

Disco conversation in the 1970s: "Get down with your bad self... go dance, you supafly!"
Intimate conversation: "The she started going down, the sex was so hot, I was blazin"
Casual conversation: "I can get down with that... it's cool"

by Hanbanana October 14, 2009

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