hell on earth. 8th grade is the time when all your best friends ditch you, and the boys are 3 feet tall and everyone is miserable
Emily:i fucking hate 8th grade
A lot of people think it's going to be amazing and you'll be able to fit in and be on top of the food chain in middle school. No, no, no. That is all a lie. 8th grade is hell. It's the lowest point in your life. Puberty catches up to you, and that's a mixed bag. Feel how you want about it, but it's going to come around this point. That ends up contributing to people getting into immense amounts of drama, causing everyone to lose their friends, say things they don't mean, cause more drama, and the list goes on. However, on a lighter note, the summer after 8th grade is actually quite fun and you get to enter high school, which is more tolerable. In addition, you will sort of realize how much of an asshole you've been throughout your whole life.
I remember 8th grade. I hated myself, I started so much shit, my life was hell, I had no friends, and I got into self harm.
Not fun.
A freshman in highschool that is around 11 years old.
Oh yeah johnny, hes a 6th grade freshman.
A term typically denotes a significantly more advanced spacecraft than would typically be seen in the battle against hostile extraterrestrials. The word is most commonly used to refer to a type of spaceship found in the video game "Axelay" released by Konami in 1992.
The governments of the world are considering building Axelay-grade spaceships.
Denotes a lower-than-"deluxe" level of intimacy, in that the gal always insists that the guy wear a condom whenever he "does it" with her.
A guy should realize that a gal's insisting on just econdomy-grade intercourse is definitely not a sign that the gal doesn't love him very much --- she's simply taking a precaution against either get pregnant or contracting STDs.
Your first year of high school. This is the year you might be a little nervous because you’re the youngest in high school & you have a hard time finding your classes. And the other grades might hate you because you just came from middle school, but don’t let it affect you. This is also the start of a long 4 years that you have in high school. This is the year where your grades & GPA matter more than ever, so don’t slack off during this year. This is the year you can make new friends & meet new people & this is a perfect year to find yourself. It goes by quickly, so enjoy it.
“What grade are you going to?”
“9th grade”
“Man I feel bad for you”