To be able to sip, but still function, to be able to function as a being, even if sloshed. Dont drink and drive.
Bro, you need to handle your handle. I'm handling my handle.
One of many verbs that is a handy euphemism for "to murder"-- used only by those used to ordering killings.
"Joey's been getting high, flashing money and mouthing off about the Brink's Job! Tell his brother to handle him, or someone will handle both of them."
Luggage Handle: The Thong strand connecting between the front & the back.
I was about to enter the back door; so, I had to move the Luggage Handle to the side.
The handle in most cars, trucks, buses, and small boats that is located in the interior of the vehicle above the door in a car or truck, hanging from the ceiling on a bus, and by the seat on a boat. Used in extreme driving situations where passengers do not wish to be thrown about the interior of the vehicle, even if seatbelts (non-existent on most buses and boats) are worn and kids are in car seats (babies are held on boats, they don't need car seats). Situations that warrant the usage of the "oh it handle" include hard braking, abrupt cornering, skidding, careening off bridge (These risks are non-existent on boats, for boats it's when the boat goes up and down on rough waves and choppy waters). It is usually considered polite for driver to warn passengers (including the baby in the car seat) before they feel obligated to use the "oh it handle"
Mom: She's holding onto the oh it handle
Me: The oh it handle
😱: 《¤》Bar《¤》Handle《¤》Manual《¤》Spin《¤》bar《¤》handle《¤》manual《¤》spin《¤》《¤》Bar《¤》Handle《¤》Manual《¤》Spin《¤》bar《¤》handle《¤》manual《¤》spin《¤》
The kind of person so desperate to steal your handle that they would pick the pie fucker just to get their piece of the pie first.
The handle snatcher would try to snatch up any handle from anyone before they could have it as their handle, thus making every handle a copy of another handle if the handle snatcher couldn't just hijack the original handle and make posts after the handle had already been taken (via hacking or whichever route they take to do it).