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Wow meme

Shitty memes that died off a long time ago and now no one really gives a shit about them.

"Hey did you see that new wow meme?"
"No, fuck you. No one gives a shit about those. What is it 2016 you fucking basterd??"

by Boiness October 17, 2017

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wow iphone

A reaction to being gifted an epic iPhone

Bob: Here take this iphone

Rob: wow iphone

by enlargedguacamoleniggapenis January 27, 2021

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gore wow

A fucking fucktard called Gore, normally a priest but migrated to Shaman.

Hasn't got banned lately because he doesn't play

Gore wow... lol...
Fuck sake Gore.

by CabbagePatchKid1994 December 3, 2010

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MLG wow

MLG wow is a popular meme of an Amish man popping into the screen saying," Wow!", and then winking into your soul even though you did not let him in. Not much more is known except for that he is very popular in the MLG culture with ," 360 No- Scopes", and the famous," Smoke Weed Every Day", slogan with the celebrity Snoop Dogg.

The MLG wow after that dank no-scope really put together the whole compilation!

by Demon38965 November 26, 2016

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WoW wacker

A gay faggot who jacks off to world of warcaft

Everyday there are more and more WoW wackers.

I saw Wow wackers in the school library today.

Hahahah WoW wackers.

They were talking about wow wackers on the ten o'clock news

by jesse 34444 June 8, 2007

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wowed up

a term used in baltimore that means ugly.

I saw girl and she was wowed up!

by Andre Young March 20, 2005

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Wow me

To use in the place of fuck

โ€œWow me daddy ;)โ€
โ€œI will ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ’ฆโ€

by daddy69hoe September 26, 2018

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