Source Code

morning kill

A Morning Kill is basically when you had Morning Sex.

"I got a Morning Kill baby"- said Kyle to Salim

by SYB DaeDae December 9, 2021

Kill Corn

The process in which a group of people (Friends, Band Members or Degenerates) recycle corn either through defecation or vommiting, only to reconsume the product over and over until, one by one, group participants yell 'I give" and drop out of the contest. The last one standing is known as 'Kill Corn!"

Bob remained the last one standing in the kill corn group contest! Bob is now 'King of the Kill Corns!'

by Marilynn Husk August 10, 2010

Kill Bot

A killing machine. Resembles a COG on Gears of War. Will Kill if nessecary....will also kill if unnessecary. A bot programmed to kill.

Guy 1: Oh shit a killbot!
Kill Bot: KILL BOT!

by The Danimal 1993 April 3, 2010

kill on everything

to make dead (often used to threaten someone who calls your boy gay)

anonymous snap user on yolo: is kevin gay? i’ve been hearing from mad people he is
brandon (wanting to defend his friend): slide up and lemme know who this is me and kevin will kill on everything

by matilda marie October 24, 2019

Kill the mall

When you try to find "Kill them all" but instead find this page.
Legit 101

Kill the mall, it attacks our neighbours with its unneccessary garbage for sale, and they fall for it every time!

by Khennnni November 2, 2017

buzz kill

chilling in the hot tub, blake and kevin fight, blake wants a cig, kevin brings one, kevin eats the punches, the caddy gets dented. The vibe is killed

blake and kevin were a buzz kill

by vibes123 August 10, 2020

Douche Kill

Camping in call of duty or other fps in totally fucked places with the gayest weapons possible. Gayest weapons can include but are not limited to sniper rifles with acog scope, silenced shotguns, tomahawks, grenades cooked in a suicidal fashion, dual Uzis, energy hammers, c4, urine, sea urchins, power legs(duke nukem mp), rpgs, throwing knifes, and of course bags of dicks.

laying prone at the top of ladders with a shotgun. Laying prone on stairs waiting for a fag to kill. Sitting behind a door.Where no one has every tried to camp before, so they would never expect it is really the general rule for true douche kills. Personally i like to duck behind a desk like a boss with a shotgun while making quotes such as ya fired, or step into my office, we do not negotiate with fags, Im the boss i need the info, etc.......JUST BE A DICK AND YOU TO CAN DOUCHe KILL

by Dymeleon January 10, 2013