Onomatopoeic expression denoting an expected cash windfall.
BMI cholecystectomy with chlolodochoduodenostomy? What does that even mean Kara?
Ka-ching ca-khing!
what u say if your friend har brought something tasty to school.
your friend brought bleach to school
you: hay dude ka-få
friend: shure dude, knock yourself out :)
A girl that is mostly quiet, doesn't eat a lot but for some reason is veru thirsty, but is very trusting and considerate to others
A word/sound you use after someone says something incredibly obvious. Like using the word "duh", only way better. May be followed by a swift slap to the back of the person's, who pointed this obvious statement out, head.
Or sometimes its acceptable to use a face palm.
EX: "Hey, your wearing a green shirt!"
"Uhh Ka-Doink, Boink. Genius."
*swift slap to head* (optional face palm)