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keep your head

Focus on what's going good in your life and strive to make it against all odds.

I'm really sorry to hear about your cousin, keep your head up, it gets better.

by JNP91 March 9, 2016

8👍 1👎

Keep It Lincoln

Keep Bangin Lincoln Park Dip Sandiego Blood Gang 3-11

Keep It Lincoln

by blckagent July 1, 2010

2👍 10👎

Cheaper to Keep Her

When you’re stuck in a miserable marriage, but it would be too costly to go through divorce.

My wife is cheating on me and nagging every day, but if we divorced she would make out with a ton of our money. It’s cheaper to keep her.

by Juicyjeremy January 5, 2023

Keep the chicken in the coop

When a certain ginger haired person becomes to sexual and needs to chill the fuck out.

Oi mate, keep the chicken in the coop, bloody grab a hold of yourself!

by I'veMcFallen June 1, 2018

Keeping her green

Pronounced "keepin' 'er green"

While working from home, deliberately moving the mouse or pressing keys solely to keep Skype for Business status as "Available" (green) instead of "Away/Inactive" (yellow) so that your boss thinks you're working

Person 1: "I Skyped him 3 times today, I don't know why he isn't responding, his status is 'Available' on Skype"
Person 2: "That's because he's keeping her green, the guy is playing Runescape all day today and he just wiggles his mouse on the work laptop every 15 minutes so his Skype status doesn't become inactive".

by qwerty732 January 6, 2021

keep shi cordial

keeping things between an ex or an old friend casual

“girl your ex just waved at you “ imma keep shi cordial and wave back

by handleitforme January 15, 2020

keeping up with the Botwins

Much like 'keeping up with the Joneses', in which a family competes with neighbors to own the coolest home, car, things, and kids; keeping up with the Botwins is the struggle to afford to do so through crime. The name is derived from the Botwin family in the Showtime series Weeds, led by Nancy Botwin, who sells marijuana in order to provide and protect her family, who follow in her criminal footsteps.

I was wondering how the family down the block could afford three Lamborghinis and a Porsche until they got busted by the cops for keeping up with the Botwins.

I'm selling MDMA in order to pay for college loans. Just trying to keep up with the Botwins!

by Gingerwhalegw June 9, 2013