A random blond kid who litterally died ....wait how many times he died again ? ....let's say a lot. He always wear a hoodie so we cant understand him...exczpt his friends but i think they have infinite knowledge
-Kenny 2016
A sexy, very attractive man usually with blonde hair to match those two pools of blue eyes; he is usually quite grounded in life, kind hearted, a tad stubborn, and very reliable.
Man! I wish I was like Kenny
-Someone with a huge cock
-Someone who is very hot
-Someone who is great in bed
-Someone who is a walking orgasm
This guy at the bar rocked my world last night. I could not stop getting off because of him. I don’t remember his name but it was probably Kenny.
a toxic man with strange behavior
Stop being such a kenny. People don’t like that.
Best way to annoy tf outta your friend. To take your hand and flick under someone’s chin, then it starts a pleague