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Another way to say asshole without saying asshole

Don't be such a kyle.

by CatDrugs September 17, 2019

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Usually a white boy who lives off of monster energy drinks and thinks he is top shit

Person 1: why is all the monster gone?
Person 2: ugh because of kyle

by KAZ2Y5-winchester July 14, 2019

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A ginger who will die lonely

Dude, what a Kyle!

by JesusLover55 January 22, 2020

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Kyle's are the kind of person to walk around with their pants around their ankles while drinking monster energy drinks.

friend 1: wow that guy is a bum
friend 2: yea he's probably a Kyle

by bye bye 123 June 18, 2019

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Kyle is a small little boy who loves to play fortnite he usually goes mental over a can of monster, massive shlong and he’s really cute

My mate Kyle is an absolute fucking unit on the footy field

by AaronBirtha August 31, 2020

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Is a bitch.

You know Kyle?

Yeah what about him?

That kid's such a bitch


by Dammnnnnnn February 14, 2020

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Lesbian, lover of leonardo dicaprio, and gta, ceo of complaining

girl 1: i’m into girls
girl 2: that’s so kylee of you

by jajajaja_69 April 2, 2020

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