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glitched likes

a glitch on urban dictionary where a while after u liked a definition, it will say that u haven't liked it yet and u can like it again.

who needs multiple accounts on urban dictionary to get more likes when u can get glitched likes from the same user.

by nobody else here August 9, 2017

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cake like

1. An all-women indie rock band that has been together since 1993. Members are Kerri Kenney-Silver (bassist and vocals), Jody Seifert (drummer), and Nina Hellman (guitarist and backing vocals). They kick ass.
2. An expression used to describe something that is beyond coolness.

1. Have you heard of the band Cake Like? They kick ass.
2. That false mustache of yours is fucking cake like, dude.

by rinne August 22, 2006

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like a chihuahua

It refers to something annoying, rat-looking, in a way ugly, loud and tiny. Used separately in response.

Stephanie: OMG the way he ran was soo funny!

Nicole: I know right! His face! Like a chihuahua!

Stephanie: hahaha

by latinaIdontcare March 29, 2014

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Like a Mo

Short for Like a Motherfucker.....

Man, I was drunk like a mo last night

by Mofo72 April 15, 2018

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Act like it

A great phrase Tysean came up with because niggas & bitches be faking.

Girl: Tysean I love you

Tysean: β€œAct like it”

by Tyseanwin23 July 16, 2020

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An a-hole's overuse of the word 'like' while trying to express a thought.

A-hole: OMG like I was just at fashion week, it was like amazing. I tried to like tweet a pic of JayZ but my iphone zoom was like out of range or something.

Me: You're such a like-hole.

by Tedro357 February 17, 2009

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The action of 'liking' another person's content on Social Media, sometimes to a fairly noticeable extent, in an attempt to get their attention and show your interest in them.

Person 1: He hasn't messaged me back for a while...

Person 2: Maybe he's just forgotten, try giving a few of his photos a flirt-like to get his attention.

by ryryrhys September 24, 2017

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