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Harvey Christopher Mills

Harvey Christopher MIlls is someone with amazing rizz, some may call him The Rizzard Of Oz.

"Wow, look at Harvey Christopher MIlls rizz up Johan Parda, he really is The Rizzard Of Oz," Said someone.

by COCLOVER123 January 5, 2023

jono mill

The act of dating a midget

damn, that guy is such a jono mill

by Illestcuntout#420blazeitallday July 21, 2014

Chin Mill

A Chin mill is a word used to describe a place where alcohol is served, like a pub, it is quoted in the film "Battle cry" (1955)

"Hey Sarge, where's the nearest chin mill?"

by j92v March 24, 2010


A mill-job is the act of sticking one’s genitalia into a fan, blender, grinder, or any other spinning mechanism either out of lust, curiosity, stupidity, or a lost bet.

“Yeah Jim bet me 20 dollars I wouldn’t stick my dick in a fan. Im 20 bucks richer but explaining what a mill-job is to the paramedics wasn’t fun.”

by TardoTheAssClown December 6, 2023

Alissa AvniTarot-Cards-Mill》{;:;}: The First Juvenile Release...

What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.

Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Mmm
Person 343: Alissa AvniTarot-Cards-Mill》{;:;}: The First Juvenile Release...

by LeSouffleDeVersailles January 28, 2025

vaughan mills

Some raggedy ass, outdated, air conditioning lacking, food court slaking mall in the centre of Vaughan.

Don’t hang out Vaughan mills after hours, you might get swarmed by a bunch of 12 year olds.

by Dannie Desantie September 27, 2022