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Pug in a mug

Don't get excited it's nothing special, ........it's just a pug in a mug :)

"Hey the other i woke up and i found a pug in a mug. It was pretty weird and random :/"

by swag lenilias December 13, 2021

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mug muck

The grotty sludge that hardens to a putrid film on the botttom of a coffee mug when left on your desk for a few days, or weeks.

Look at the filthy mug muck that's formed on that lazy bastard's coffee mug!

by JJBrubaker April 16, 2007

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thunder mug


From the loud noise made when a toilet is flushed.

A good example is the sound effect used on "All In The Family", which had a running joke of the sound of the "terlet" being flushed upstairs.

I woke everyone up early this morning when I flushed the thunder mug!

by OldsVistaCruiser September 10, 2010

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indirectly mugged

When you are indirectly mugged by someone which you have no affiliation with and they take your possessions without you realising

My friend Jimmy got indirectly mugged the other day. He left his wallet in his gym bag and someone stole all his cash from his wallet. He really hates being indirectly mugged.

by UrbanChique December 7, 2018

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ugg mug

1. When someone falls asleep with their head tilted back, mouth slightly opened and lips still closed.
2.When someone is sleeping and think that their piers are making fun of them, they put a sour face on. also know as an Ugg Mug

"Man look at that she kind of has a ugg mug on!!"

by JohnnyP0987 July 26, 2011

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hungry as a mug

Meaning that your stomach is pretty much looking and feeling like an empty mug. You need to get some food ASAP!

Michael: Man, I'm hungry as a mug!
Covi: Me too! I could go for some subway, you down?

by Deeeeeeej February 20, 2014

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mug cake

When multiple dudes cum on a girl's face, then allow the semen to dry and form a glaze.

Damn babe, don't wipe it off yet, we're making a mug cake.

by Militant Cynic February 18, 2017

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