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crust muncher

someone who eats anal crust for a living

jesey is a crust muncher

by kevin murphy December 5, 2003

4πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

baby muncher

Refer to Yangmo or Azn

Rosie: "Do you come from an asian heritage?"
ChingChong: "Yes."
Rosie: "So I believe that makes you a baby muncher."
ChingChong: "Y'kno? I think I'm going to rip your head off and shove it right up into your fat butt so you can see just how big of an asshole you are."

by Deathtotrump October 7, 2007

7πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Minge Munchers

1.) Plural of Minge Muncher. A Minge Muncher is someone who munches minges.

2.) (and this IS true!) A game, much like "Duck, duck goose", that my weird friend plays. It is basially the same as Duck, Duck, Goose, but you say Minge, Minge, MINGE MUNCHER! instead.

1.) "Look at those lesbians! I bet they're minge munchers."

2.) "Who wants to play Minge Munchers?"

by Bi-sexual minge muncher August 12, 2006

5πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Vag muncher

Someone stupid who munches vagina on a regular basis.

Fred is such a vag muncher.

by Callan February 28, 2005

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Toe muncher

Someone who loves to munch on toes. It’s pretty self explanatory.

β€œThat guy looks like a toe muncher”

by Toe_muncher August 26, 2022

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Crumpet Muncher

An English Lesbian

Yo dude did you here beckys a crumpet Muncher

by Bossbitch420 June 24, 2016

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Miso Muncher

A person who gets sexually aroused by being spayed by Asians in the mouth with spicy, egg ridden diarrhea.

God, my dad is a serious "Miso Muncher" it's extremely disgusting...

by caIamari February 5, 2020

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