Someone posturing to be something they are not. Can be abbreviated to FFO
Are you really BLM or is this a false flag operation?
Religion and Government shouldn't mix. Keep the state out of church and the church out of state. Black out "In God We Trust" from our bills. To those who see this as anti-christian it is not, this simply a separation of church and state issue.
To Black out "In God We Trust" on bills.
Operation Freeman (Black out "In God We Trust" from our bills.)
Christ fag:i luv jebus
logical thinker:fuck you nigger
Secretly placing tracking devices in 500 different gifts, then dropping them off at all the registered Toys for Tots bins in the State of New Jersey. Next, sit back and watch.
Operation Santa Claus was a slam dunk, since the tags wouldn't be discovered until the operation was over.
The hazy crust that layers the operators kit, uniform, hat, or gloves. This haze is formed over time from sea spray, sweat, blood, tears, dip spit, and in extreme circumstances semen. To his teammates it is a sign of experience, knowledge, and grit. To the head-shed it symbolizes poor decision making and filth.
“Who left their hat on the boat?”
“Look at the operator haze on that, I’ll bet it’s Chief’s”
The white hazy crust that forms on an operators equipment showcasing the individuals saltiness. This haze is formed by the operator’s sweat, tears, and in some extreme cases semen, or a combination of the three. It can be found on the operator’s kit, gloves, hat (both boonie and ball cap), and his combat uniform.
Yo who left their hat on the boat? Its gotta be Jesse’s, It’s covered in a fine layer of operator haze.
The white hazy sheen that forms on the operators gear such as his kit, gloves, hat (boonie and ball cap) and on the hardest of them his combat uniform. This sheen is formed over time from the operator’s sweat, tears, and in some extreme cases semen.
Operator haze signals to the other males dominance, a literal and metaphorical saltiness, and the willingness of the operator to put in work.
Bro who left their hat on the boat?!
I’m not sure man but that thing is covered in operator haze!
A Native Rights Group that believe the government has not done enough to help Native Americans, And That Not Enough people Know the true history of America.
This weekend i joined operation TwoBeaks, People Have a good cause.