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corny people

a person or people who are mainstream; they follow the majority and think it's cool

Person 1: look at everyone wearing hollister and abercrombie. i don't understand the point.
Person 2: i know. they're all corny people.

by the kid sitting at the compute May 26, 2009

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People Power

A 1986 coup d'etat that became a so-called revolution, no thanks to some economic hitmen and greedy oligarchs jealous of Ferdinand Marcos, who was able to prevent an oil crisis that ravaged many Western countries in the 1970's. It signaled the end of 13 years of peace, progress and stability and the return of the oligarchs that fucked the Philippine nation and its citizens.

Jake: Are you going to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the "People Power Revolution"?
Raul: No way. I'm sick and tired of that shit. Plus, I am not a Yellow Zombie and I don't like the so-called celebrities that are part of that self-serving "celebration".
Jake: Yeah. And what kind of government are we in? A mixture of a kakistocracy, theocracy and elite democracy. Can't wait for 2016, so I can cast my vote for Bongbong Marcos.
Raul: Me too. Can't wait for him to become president in 2016!

by Lakeside Freestylist February 25, 2011

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What weird 25-year-olds with no life call everyone under the age of 20.

Today, while I was getting coffee at the gas station, a couple of high-school students walked up to me and told me I reminded them of a older and creepier version of Jessica Simpson, and I said, why don't you bite me, half-people.

by p@$$ing thr.ugh January 13, 2010

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People spray

The over-use of fly spray in which the human is the one who ends up almost choking to death.

Alicia: Hey Dan, chuck us the Raid, there's an army of ants who've been nomming your rubbish and now they're heading for the bag of groceries.

Dan: *chucks Alicia the fly spray* "okay but take it easy, that stuff's toxic!"

Alicia sprays the ants...

Dan: *choking* Aaaargh! Dont spray it near me, fly spray's people spray! Fly spray's people spray!!! *cough cough*

by icil February 2, 2009

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lobster people

Tourists who frequent the Jersey Shore and on the first day of their vacation get incredibly sunburned and then for the rest of their stay share the pain of said sunburn with the locals through acting bitchy and obnoxious.

The lobster people screamed at the waitress because she didn't seat them before the other tourists.

by imissthesun April 12, 2007

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Crab people

Commonly referred to people with bottom-feeder taste.
They eat garbage.
Trashy individual with a taste for trash.

Mcdondals is basically crab people food.
"Hungry Man" frozen dinners are for crab people.
You are a crab person if you consume canned meat.

by Sockzthecat March 1, 2020

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People Playground

Wanna commit war crimes but you don't want to be put on death row? This is the game for you! It's murder but legal! You can do whatever you want in this game!

Person 1: Man, I wanna do some highly illegal stuff but I am too much of a pussy to do that stuff
Person 2: Try People Playground, the game where you can force people to commit suicide~

by 0nlox November 28, 2022

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