Source Code

running blocker

when someone goes ahead of the drinking group to make sure there's no cops to hand out d.u.i.'s

"haven't you guys had too much to drive?"
"don't worry, aiden's running blocker today"

by Sue Donham April 3, 2010

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run the light

to run a red traffic light

We're late. Run the light, we don't have time to stop.

by Lighzh October 6, 2007

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Rutter's Run

Late night trip by foot to local Rutter's. Often with the intent to buy such things as ice cream, energy drinks, cigs, wraps, and soda for mixed drinks.

Friend 1: Man, I'm hungry...
Friend 2: I could go for an energy drink. I feel like I'm about to crash.
Friend 3: We should make a Rutter's run. I'm almost outta ciggys anyway.
Drunk Friend: Whoo! Ruttersh run. I'm outta my drink juice.

by Tweak Thomas March 21, 2009

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retard run

When a caretaker brings 2 or more disabled people to a grocery store and get a cartful for each one and proceeds to the same checkout line because they have to stay together.

Cahier:Man I just finished ringing up a retard run.
Manager: how many were there
Cashier: seven

by assmonkey8452 February 6, 2015

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Run Down

Find, locate, seek out

Police have begun to run down parking violators.

by AlCsa February 22, 2017

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run up

1) to suddenly approach someone
2) to ambulate quickly across an inclined surface
3) to accumulate

1) "What makes you think that I won't run up on you wit da nine?" -50 Cent
2) After I increased the incline on the treadmill, I really had to run up.
3) You took your bitch to Wendy's for you one year anniversary? Dag man better not run up too much money on the ol' credit card bills.

If you run up too big a debt to that loan shark, he'll probably run up on you. If I were you, I'd run up into the hills and not come back for awhile. Cracka.

by Nick D October 28, 2003

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Nigger Run

1 To do accomplish nothing or a waste of time
2 Favor that only benefits the person that requested it

1 This was such a nigger run.

2 I've done so much for you. You owe me a nigger run.

by Oatmeals May 17, 2005

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