Source Code


The definition of shit is Ship High In Transit. Back in the day of the colonial times ships would box horse and cow manure and transport them in ships, but when a crew men would go check on the cargo of manure with a lantern, meanwhile the boxed manure is on the bottom of the ship which has moisture creating methane gas. As the crew men approached the bottom deck it would explode to smithereens . There for they stamped SHIT on the boxes to make sure they are stored on a higher level of the ship.

There was an extra load of SHIT label boxes on the ship causing it too stink.

by KyleKendrick February 11, 2009

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the shits

A slurred form of "the shit". Refferring to something of great coolness.

Implementing A* in less than 5 minutes is the shits!

by Bungalow Bill October 28, 2002

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more than one shit

"Shits been happening to me today. I failed the math test, a creep gave me a creme brulee, and my roommates left feces on the floor!"

by noshits November 8, 2011

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Literally: Fecal matter.
Metaphorically: Annoyance or lies

Star Trek employee: Bridge to sanitation, someone took a shit on the captain's chair...again.

Employer: You're hired.
Ted: ...Shit.

Connor: I'm looking for Arnie.
Black dude: Fuck you, never heard of him!
Connor: *knocks dude to the ground* Cut the shit!

by DarthKieduss February 23, 2014

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1. Slang word for faeces.

2. To defecate.
3. Something really bad.
4. An exclamation.

He just did the smelliest shit ever!
I have to shit but there are no facilities around.
That exam was so shit!
Shit! I forgot my suitcase!

by Mayor of Awesome Town September 19, 2009

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the shit

Hand ball table tennis. The coolest game ever! Played by local people at my high school during lunch. :) this game is The SHIT!

Handball table tennis is the shit!

by Mikki Mouse May 30, 2005

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The Shit

One who is both awesome and rather iresponsible/lazy/bitchy. Most people have a cousin (doesn't have to be a first cousin, can be 2nd, 3rd, etc)or weird Uncle who fits this description. A person who is simply The Shit. They do nothing but bitch (or becth as Kelly would say) and complain, but there is just something about them that makes them so wicked sweet that they are most definitely The Shit.

My cousin Joycelyn: Who is The Shit?

Me: Joycelyn is The Shit!

by I warn, but nobody heeds my words April 13, 2007

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