Source Code

Mexican Surprise

When you're dating a smoking hot 22-yr old Mexican girl, then marry her, and she wakes up the morning of her 24th birthday having suddenly gained 100 lbs and looks exactly like her mother.


Be careful man, you don't want to wake up one day to the Mexican Surprise.

by levarselosmonos April 7, 2011

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Surprise Fuck

When a girl that you like isn't paying attention, so you want to pleasure her by sweeping her off your feet so you whip it out and SURPRISE! you stick it in and whip it out before she even has time to react!

Graham: Hey bro, did you surprise fuck Paige yet?
Reese: Not yet man, I'm working on it here.
Graham: Awww come on man, you are such a PUSSY. Just do it, thats how i was made

by Graham the man January 18, 2009

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Grainy Surprise

When your fucking a girl from behind real hard and your dick accidently slips out of her pussy and tears into her ass.

She yelped like a chihuahua when I gave her a Grainy Surprise.

by FilthyMan69 March 29, 2006

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Hymen Surprise

When you don't know the chick you're fucking is a virgin, and you break her hymen, causing her to bleed everywhere and then use her blood as lube.

Did you see that awesome hymen surprise last night

by IGrapeBabies June 7, 2011

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Surprise Dick

A person who at first seems very nice, but at a later time reveals that they are in fact a total dick.

Me: Mr. Johnson, will you please accept this paper? I only couldn't turn it in because my mom was in the hospital dying of cancer. You seem like a reasonable enough guy.

Mr. Johnson: SURPRISE! I'M A DICK!!!!

Me: Damn what a surprise dick

by NICKBERT August 15, 2010

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Dark Surprise

The act of stabbing someone and then deficating into the wound.

โ€œIโ€™m going to give you my dark surprise.โ€

by Rim Reaper 69 December 16, 2018

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Diaper Surprise

The chunks of not quite absorbed cocoa mix at the bottom of the glass. Seen after completion of beverage.

I finished my hot chocolate, and of course, looked in and saw the diaper surprise!

by .Bruk November 15, 2009

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