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fashion stellar

just your all around badass looking fashion sense

nick dude, you're a freaking fashion stellar

by Nick lee August 25, 2017

Fashion Terrorism

The act of mismatching of clothing (either deliberately or due to ignorance of very fundamental and general rules of fashion)

Stop doing fashion terrorism, it's cringe and it embarrasses yourself

by Sir. B April 11, 2021

Fashionable hybrid

When you have be ability to fashion-wise, look like either a girl or a boy. You have the ability to look good in any clothes.

I tried on some women’s lingerie and I look like a girl in it, and when I tried some guys clothes, I looked good in that too. I’m a total fashionable hybrid.

by Justicewithtacosandweed August 13, 2018

The Heighth of Fashion

What Alex and his droogs wear in Anthony Burgess' novel, A Clockwork Orange.

"The four of us were dressed in the heighth of fashion,
which in those days was a pair of black very tight tights
with the old jelly mould, as we called it, fitting on the crutch
underneath the tights, this being to protect and also a sort
of a design you could viddy clear enough in a certain light,
so that I had one in the shape of a spider, Pete had a rooker
(a hand, that is), Georgie had a very fancy one of a flower,
and poor old Dim had a very hound-and-horny one of a
clown's litso (face, that is), Dim not ever having much of an
idea of things and being, beyond all shadow of a doubting
thomas, the dimmest of we four. Then we wore waisty
jackets without lapels but with these very big built-up
shoulders ('pletchoes' we called them) which were a kind of
a mockery of having real shoulders like that. Then, my
brothers, we had these off-white cravats which looked like
whipped-up kartoffel or spud with a sort of a design made
on it with a fork. We wore our hair not too long and we had
flip horrorshow boots for kicking." -

by Sacreum February 19, 2024

The Heighth of Fashion

A term used by the character Alex in A Clockwork Orange to describe any individual's given clothing, regardless of what it might be.

The four of us were dressed in the heighth of fashion, which in those days was a pair of black
very tight tights with the old jelly mould, as we called it, fitting on the crotch underneath the tights,
this being to protect and also a sort of a design you could viddy clear enough in a certain light, so
that I had one in the shape of a spider, Pete had a rooker (a hand, that is), Georgie had a very fancy
one of a flower, and poor old Dim had a very hound-and-horny one of a clown’s litso (face, that is).
Dim not ever having much of an idea of things and being, beyond all shadow of a doubting thomas,
the dimmest of we four. Then we wore waisty jackets without lapels but with these very big built-up
shoulders (‘pletchoes’ we called them) which were a kind of a mockery of having real shoulders
like that. Then, my brothers, we had these off-white cravats which looked like whipped-up kartoffel
or spud with a sort of a design made on it with a fork. We wore our hair not too long and we had
flip horrorshow boots for kicking.

by Sacreum July 24, 2024

a | l fashion

the best model group

sheoui sucks

so does flopbore

fuck them bitches

Rebecca:" I won 434338289389238928 bussy robux because of a | l fashion"
Other ugly model group owners: "yes momay fuck me"

by boochiecoochie April 5, 2021

Fashion Period

Fashion period is when a person male or female begins to come up with creative, exotic or new ideas and is obsessed with becoming successful with their ideas.

Bob: "Gosh wow Lisa has her period".

Brad: "huh"?

Bob: " Lisa has her fashion period"

Brad: "oh yeah I thought you meant her monthly dude!"

by ClarenceCruz January 9, 2015