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backside flip

skateboard maneuver in which the rider performs a kickflip and a backside 180 rotation

oh man, theotis has backside flips on lock.

by himey ho February 25, 2014

flipping the bird

The act of giving somone "the finger" by
extening your middle finger of either/both hands in rage.

So that dumbass in the limo flipped me the bird in the highway.

by money666lord February 14, 2005

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oh flip!

Oh flip or flip off is a word which is best used instead of saying the "F" word. e.g.

Mum:i caught you having a wank
Boy: Oh flip! (Oh Fuck)

by Nigerian Boy February 1, 2008

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money flip

Scamming ass hoes that try to make yo ass rich

โ€œBout to do a money flip on this heffA.โ€

by Badbih13666 October 8, 2017

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flying flip

another form of the word fuck

I dont give a flying flip what my mom thinks.

by FlyingFlip09 March 22, 2009

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skirt flip

The action of flipping another person's skirt, typically done for research purposes.

*skirt flip* White....

by Nerdbot January 6, 2015

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Stiffy Flip

(v.) 1). A form of drug use usually executed by males in which one consumes ecstacy and Viagra simultaneously in order to achieve a long lasting sexual buzz. 2). The title of the hit single for the rising R & B/HipHop/Rap/Christian Soul/Jazz/Country/Taylor Swift cover/Bluegrass band Pagnier Heat.

Yo wussup I got somethin to say,
In the Ice Cuban's house we stiffy flip all day

by Ice Cuban April 6, 2010

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