Source Code

pinky uwu

A person who traces popular people such as Mika_kit. And claims that they traced her. Let’s be smart and not believe her and look at the dates. I hope you hate that girl.

I hate pinky uwu.

by ItalianAmerican Ball June 14, 2024

uwu gawk gawk reverse twister 6000

during the action of an gamer girl putting your dick in her mouth, and she takes your cock in one hand and starts sucking you reversed with the gawk gawk sound for 6000 times, the most easy way to get this is to have an 180cc zip

i just got the best blowjob ever, the uwu gawk gawk reverse twister 6000, it was mind blowing like my zip blows Through the streets

by aapjeee March 22, 2023

sussy baka uwu

why someone is sus but u want to maintain the uwu attitude

"Sussy Baka UWU." Thats the sentence.

by loloxDlmaorofl July 2, 2021

Sussy Baka (UwU)

Sussy- A word used to describe someone as suspicious.
Baka- A translation of 'idiot' into Japanese in English characters

Normally used by people when speaking to their friends to describe someone they dislike, or used when some cringey kid try's to be cute using Japanese, half the time not even knowing what it means, (because there likely 8-year-olds). Also often used by UwU Cats.

Person 1- "Yo, that kid is weird!"

Person 2- "Yeah! Thats the first time we've every agreed!"
*UwU Cat walks over*
UwU Cat- "Konnichiwa Sussy Baka (UwU)!!"

P1- "Bro wth why are you using a word for 8 year olds? Your not cute! Your weird af"

by -Anonymous_Human- February 1, 2023

onnnnnnnni channnnnnnn ehh my loved love <3 uwu

average anime simp idiot iconic quote

"onnnnnnnni channnnnnnn ehh my loved love <3 uwu" -average anime simp idiot

by Person 69 420 October 15, 2022

Uwu Dick Co

a kawwai person with a dick

Hello i have A Uwu Dick Co

by Sussy Bakay i have a gun October 28, 2022


The most elite gang of gangsters including BeastSniper854, Tiny UwU San, Suevz, the big boy, Wizz, Gexi, and many more

Damn bruh thats GTL UwU we better sit the fuck down

by Tiny UwU July 11, 2021