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Windows NT

Perhaps one of the greatest OS's made by Windows. It was designed but bussiness but you can get it for your home. It is the OS that they based Windows 2000 on. The only downside is that it has problems resolving errors that rarely happen and when they do Doctor Watson tries to fix it but he never can.

No computers use Windows NT anymore, they instead use XP.

by Al "The Computer Guy" April 16, 2004

232πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž

Windows Nazi

Person who flames others for use of the Mac OS or Linux.

Shut up, you Windows Nazi.

by OLOL February 1, 2007

72πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž

open window

When there is an open opportunity in someone's relationship, meaning someone else can walk in and code green that Boop.

Jillian finally told me about her Open Window

by Jillians Daddy February 27, 2017

17πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Broke the Window

When a drunk college kid shatters a window, leading to a series of events that lead one to believe they have been cursed. These events could include
1. Arrest for underage/ public urination/ stealing a bike
2. Loss of license for three months
3. Giving the flu to half of your friends
4. Car breaking down driving a friend home
5. Ols getting his D-Dub

When we go back up to penn state we have to find that dick that Broke the Window because i need to put a face to the curse hes left on me

by MichaelWilliamHagan January 20, 2009

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Window Girl

A woman of indecent nature; one that is let in through the window rather than the door. Similar to a thot.

β€œShe’s got a fat ass, but she’s still a window girl”
β€œMan, when you gonna stop falling for them window girls?”

by Blakeysaur July 7, 2019

Windows 10

An absolute joke of a computer

Mike: Hey dude, you got Windows 10?
Bill: Yeah. It was a waste of my money.

by Sunila Sharma January 4, 2021

window phantom

A nosy neighbor who does not want to be caught spying. The person who wants to know everything that happens on the block. Seen in practically every neighborhood, and every movie depicting a neighborhood.

As I walked down the street, I had the eerie feeling that I was being watched. Must have been a window phantom.

by Pen Dragon March 31, 2013