Source Code

The Game

The Game is typically described as learning all aspects of a hustle, illicit or illegal activity or business (e.g., drug dealing, pimping or pandering as related to prostitution, three card monte and other con artist schemes).

He always wanted to learn the game from a real pro and street hustler.

by Chi-Town Dude January 4, 2022

The Game

You lost.

Hey Aidan, you lost the game.

by PortalMaker5000 July 26, 2022

The Game

The aim of the game is to get everyone to play the game. If you think about the game you lose the game, and then have half an hour to start playing the game again. If you lose the game, you must announce it loudly, causing everyone in the vicinity to lose the game also.

It is impossible to win the game.

Person 1: Hey, everybody!
Everybody: What?
Person 1: I just lost THE GAME!
Everybody: *groans*

-----30 minutes later-----

Person 1: Hey, everybody!
Everybody: What?
Person 1: I just lost THE GAME!
Everybody: *groans*

by Kelpa October 31, 2010

The Game

The Game is a mental game where the objective is to avoid thinking about The Game itself. Thinking about The Game constitutes a loss, which must be announced each time it occurs.

Humanity wins The Game when a diplomat of the human race gets the Pope to say, "I Lost the Game" on national television at which point a new round of The Game begins.

"I Lost the Game" - Pope Francis I

by I need a handjob May 30, 2020

The Game

A name of a TAWOG Episode

Person 1:Have you watched the new episode of The amazing world of gumball
Person 2: Are You talking about the episode The Game

by Tanyisnotasimp March 16, 2022

The game

A stupid game that imature kids in my high school all play, including me. The rules are simple: (1) You all have to play the game. (2) If you think of the game, you loose. (3) after loosing, you are eligible to play five minutes later.

Oh yea, you all just lost.

Walking to your friends and saying, "Hey guys, guess what!"

Guys- "What?"

You-"The game!"

The guys just lost. Have fun!

Also, see annoying

by eric fussell December 29, 2010

The Game

you just lost it.

Jamie: The Game.

by QWERTY7898237p12 November 1, 2010