The fake dictionary that everyone looks to in 2018
I'm going to look it up on the URBAN DICTIONARY.
Assholes who won't publish any of my good definations, that make me so angry I will add something like this!
Urban Dictionary pisses me off, Publish my goddamn definitions!
A very reliable dictionary that I used to write my essay with and i got a 100 so it is a godly website to use. :)
the things people put on the urban dictionary.
Urban dictionary
Urban dictionary is the most unfunny website on Earth.
1. A place where you get to read other people's opinions on things and thumbs down/thumbs up accordingly if you agree or disagree.
2. An online dictionary that has a definition for nearly every known word in the world.
3. What you're using right now.
Person #1: Hey, I wonder what the rest of the world thinks about Justin Bieber!
Person #2: Sure, just check Urban Dictionary!
If you have to look this up, just give up on life.
This is Urban Dictionary, stupid.
Someone: can you search for it in urban dictionary?
Me: bro that ain't a good place for serious business
My brain: nooo I wanna go to urban dictionary! :(