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Blue Hook

A political presidential map term that is used to describe how the democrats won the election in the western united states. If looked at on the 2020 presidential election result map, it represents a hook like shape. It was created when Arizona voted democrat in the 2020 presidential elections.

The term is a "spinoff" from a term used to describe the democratic party winning states between 1992 to 2012 by creating a so called "Blue Wall".

The "Blue Hook" is made of the states Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. Colorado represents the tip of the hook, while Arizona representing the bottom arc of the hook.

person 1: Wow, Biden got Arizona surprisingly.

person 2: Yah, now it seems not only they have a blue wall almost back but look, they now even created a Blue Hook with Arizona.

by MST3K I like November 25, 2020

Blue Dragon

The dark-blue Ford Crown Victorias used by members of the Street Crimes Unit, Gang Task, Gang Enforcement Team, etc.

Originated in Westside Modesto by some Asian Gs

“Aye cuzz Blue Dragon rollin up.”

“It’s prolly that bitch made SGT Young again Locc.”

“Daaaaamn! This foo ain’t got nun better to do cuzz!”

by OG LoCC Dawg October 10, 2020

Blue dragon

A pedophile that looks like if Jackie Chan had sex with fucking Michael Jackson and the he got shit out and got pissed on and vomited on and he’s also really good friends with Tony Lopez

Person1: my kids got raped
Person2: Let me guess blue dragon?

by I eat doge for lunch December 4, 2020

Blue sex

Blue sex is when you have very disappointing and unsatisfying intercourse with your partner or when your partner is very bad in bed

"My wife gave some real blue sex last night"

by 👣👅 June 1, 2023

Blue nest

A blue nest is always necessary when entering a new porta potty. It is a group of neatly stacked layer of toilet paper on the blue surface. This nest is a place to aim your shit. Without one you might get splash back and a blue ass.

It was a new porta potty. I had to build a blue nest for safety.

by DVMaximus August 24, 2016

Code Blue

Represents when someone defecates their pants badly and it’s green.

That was an abnormally large code blue, Chris

by Code blue October 21, 2022

Code Blue

Go to the workshop

Code Blue! *Engineers hurry to the workshop*

by Cadillacing! March 25, 2021