A insult used online when someone is getting roasted on a game.
Raxorz88: Lmao we are at 10-1
xXn00bslayerXx: Oh My GoD uR mOm GaYyYyY! Lmao u got roasted rn lmao lmao u got roasted!1!11!1!1!1!!1!1!!1!1!! Take that nigger!1!1!1!1!1!1
if someone says this to you, you might as well go hide in a basement for the rest of your life but to avoid this you must use the almighty "ur dad lesbian" only lv 50 bosses can use this godly ability
Bob: your a gay piece of gay jimmy
Timmy: y...your mom GAY
Bob: *begins to have epilepsy and then dies*
if someone says this to you, you might as well go hide in a basement for the rest of your life but to avoid this you must use the almighty "ur dad lesbian" but only lv 50 bosses can use this godly ability
Bob: your a gay piece of gay jimmy
Timmy: y...your mom GAY
Bob: *begins to have epilepsy and then dies*
Hurts the opponent's mental health with raw emotonal damage. Can be reversed with "No u".
A: Fuck you bitch.
B: Ur mom gay
A: *had a stroke and fucking died*